Kamis, 25 September 2014

Pixy Silk Lipstick Satin in color 202 (Carnal Rose)

Hi pretty!!! <3<3

Now, i'm back with a new things to review.. yay!! *joy*, soo... as what i promised before, i will review this product in english, although my english is not perfect, but i'll do my best. 
 Today's review is about a lipstick, im a blush on and lipstick addict if u know.. lol, i can't help mysef if i saw a cute lippie or blush on with something 'almost' barely there-but-cute-and-unique color, easily fall in love.. :p:p, so guys, if you want to give me a present you can give me a lipstick or a blush-on, or BOTH!! (just kidd :*;*) because i love them sooo much. 

Okay, The product i want to review is from the local drugstore product, it's cheap enough for a college girl like me and it gives a purrrty color, but, sadly, i don't know it's doesn't work with their blush on, based on my experience, i used their blushies and lil bit disappointed with the result, well, it's give me a pretty flush at the first swipe but the color disappear after like 2 or 3  hours.. But at least their loose powder and their eyeshadow it's ok. (will review it ASAP) the quality is good comparing with it's cheapy-baby price. Now, i wanna review their lipstick, it's capture my heart now and become my favorite lipstick, 

Ladies.. i presented to you... Pixy Silk Lipstick Satin in color 202 a.k.a Carnal Rose..
awww... look at that pinky Packaging

First, what i love about this lipstick is the packaging, it's so cute with light bubble-gum pink color with cute cap too.. oh my GOD!! That's way it's capture my heart (and my money) so fast. i think it's great pixy more aware with their packaging, well, give your product a cute packaging, captured customer heart and get more income.. lol..

something like light deep-berry shade

it's look intimidating at the beginning, look at that light berry shade, i love deep berry shade by the way, but erm... until my friend said it's look good on me and i realize it was,   and i tried... well.. I LOVE IT!! it's have a nice scent of bubble gum and lil bit floral without any flavour. and it's perfect for everyday natural look coz it's MLBB (my lips but better) it doesn't accentuate my dry chapped lips (several time)  just smooth, plumpy, fresh and kissable lips in sec!! how AWESOME.. <3<3

Swatch time... 
Used pixy , so natural with a lil bit of 'glossy' look

My bare lips..

  • nice scent 
  • affordable 
  • glide on smoothly and leaves a pretty semi-opaque color 
  • it's satin finish, so it's give a nice amount of glossines without looking oily or too much. 
  • not accentuate my dry chapped lips 
  • suitable color for everyday. 
  • like another lipstick, the color will fade away if you drink or eat, but, i notice a lil bit color still there.. cool.. 

Nice and awesome quality with cheap price... soo.. I LOVE IT!!! repurchase? yeah... 

have you tried this lipstick? Do you like it? Or you wanna try? so.. you can tell me.. ^^ 


Marionette Thai

Jumat, 12 September 2014

Sariayu color trend 2014 "borneo" Marshmallow blush on in borneo B

Hi pretty gurl, <3

I'm sorry that i'm not reviewing any product during this holiday... yea.. a classic reason, L-A-Z-Y *slap*
well, uh-uh im sowiee... now i'm started to do Zumba dance and Hula dance isntead of writing, and.. mone reason, believe me.. that.. why i updated this blog after a loong time is i tested the product, is it fit in my skin or not, it will irritate or not, coz i have a pretty sensitive skin =_=
OKAY!!!! now it's time to review, sorry girl i use "bahasa" in this review, i think this is a local product and it will matched if i used a bahasa instead of english right? ^^ *i promise to use english in my next review, ok?*,

sebenarnya aku sudah tahu lama tentang produk ini, lucu aja yah bentuknya bulet-bulet plus desainnya menarik gitu, *TWO THUMBS UP FOR DESIGN KEMASAN SARIAYU MWAH2* pertama iseng2 mampir di martha tilaar shop taman anggrek maksud hati ingin coba-coba tapi apa daya hati kepincut blush on lucu ini, tapiii... masih NO BUDGET!!!! Jadi iseng-isenglah swatch kanan-kiri di pipi, wow.. lucu juga warnanya, semacam kawaii-kawaii natural gitu deh. Langsung merebut hatiku dengan satu kali ulasan,
Packing dusnya, so cute<3<3

seperti yang aku bilang tadi, two thumbs up sama dusnya, sariayu ini adalah salah satu brand lokal yang paling 'aware' dengan detail-detail kecil macem begini. Lagipula, kemasan yang cantik bisa jadi daya tarik utama saat kita beli kan? Look expensive tapi sebenarnya affordable kok ^^
see??? No animal testing!!!     
Satu lagi yang bikin aku salut sama produk sariayu *and i will buy their products again* karena mereka no animal testing, satu hal yang bikin aku aware sama produk-produk semacam ini adalah kepedulian mereka terhadap hewan, selain karena aku sendiri seorang pescetarian (yang sudah pasti tidak memakan hewan darat dan dalam tahap mengurangi makan hewan yang hidup di air) juga karena sebuah statement yang aku yakini selama ini, "we can't hurt animal for us to be pretty isn't?" :( :( *sad* kita juga bisa cantik dengan hidup natural dan bersinergi dengan semua makhluk hidup. 
 satu yang aku syukuri lagi: tidak mengandung paraben, dan kulitku sih oke-oke saja selama ini, baca disini apa itu paraben dan apa efek penggunaan paraben http://forum.kompas.com/kesehatan/89846-bahaya-paraben-pada-produk-kecantikan-dan-perawatan-tubuh.html
atas: heavy swatch, bawah: soft swatch

 Kelihatan oranye banget ya? sebenarnya nggak se-oranye itu kok, tapi campuran antara pink dan oranye yang cantik, namanya sih marshmallow, tapi jangan berharap blush on ini se-bouncy marshmallow ya, ^^ dia cenderung keras tapi nempel begitu kita sapukan jari kita di blush on ini, awas hati-hati warnanya pigmented dan keluar banget, jadi hati-hati pakainya atau nanti kamu bakal kelihatan kayak orang habis ditabok sendal. sapukan tipis-tipis saja sudah bisa membuat pipimu bersemu cantik natural, semacem kawaii-kawaii-baby-ish gitu deh. 

i'm wearing this baby!!!
 kalo pagi, aku bukan fans berdandan super ribet pake blush on, eyeshadow, foundie, blah blah apalah, si kecil imut ini juga menyingkat waktu dandan banget, cukup satu bisa dipakai di bibir, mata, dan pipi, kadang kalau lagi buru-buru langsung aku pake di mata, pipi dan bibir lho.. natural dan pigmented, halus lagi.. dobel hasil banget.
I'm wearing:
  • The face shop sunblock (SPF 35 PA+++)
  • Concealer (holika holika)
  • Baby powder (cusson's)
  • two way cake (silky girl) *buat area mata n dagu aja*
  •  brow n liner kit (the body shop*
  • mashmallow blush on (sariayu borneo series in borneo B)
  • khiel's lipbalm (no 1)
  • mascara (silky girl big eyes collagen mascara)
tadaaaahhh... super-light and natural makeup, but still look cute and clean

jadi lip-tint tanpa keringin bibir 

 nah, ini juga nih, dobel hasil yang aku bahas tadi, pertama aku pakein Khiel's dulu, *biar lembab bibirnya* terus di top-up sama sariayu ini, manis banget deh jadinya, kayak bibir asliku, MLBB (My Lips But Better) tapi lebih delicate dan manis, entah kenapa kalau ini dipake di bibir berasa efek baby-baby manis gitu, hahaha.... *kalau kamu mau bisa di layer lagi sama lipgloss bening*

  • multifungsi, bisa buat mata, bibir, dan pipi
  • baunya ga menggangu, bahkan ga ada bau
  • teksturnya keras, tapi gampang banget keluar warnanya n bisa di build-up sesuka kamu
  • nggak mahal untuk kualitas sebagus ini \
  • lumayan awet dan nggak bikin pipiku iritasi
  • warnanya imut n natural  
  • ...........

    untuk sebuah blush on lokal, kualitasnya nggak bisa dipandang remeh apalagi sangat amat worth dengan harganya, well, desain packagingnya juga lucu dan praktis, sayang sekaliii.. foundie dia ga ada yang bisa masuk dengan warna kulitku :(:( , jadi apakah aku akan repurchase lagi? hmm.. bagus sih.. tapi aku mau coba blush on lain sebagai pembanding, untuk saat ini inilah blush on multifungsi HG ku<3<3

Much Much love 
Marionette Thai